Rue Arthur Delaby 7, 7100 La Louvière
LouvExpo is conveniently located at 500 m from La Louvière Centre train and bus stations, close to the highway and has a large parking area.
The medical physicists from Jolimont Group and CHU Tivoli are pleased to invite you to the 2020 Symposium of the Belgian Hospital Physicist Association (BHPA).
Save the date: Friday 7th and Saturday 8th February 2020
The 2020 Symposium theme will be: « Working Together For The Future »
You will have the opportunity during this symposium to discuss with the main stakeholders in the health sector about the best care for your patients.
Share your experience: submit an abstract!
Contact: contact@bhpa2020.be
Physique médicale, CH Jolimont
159 rue Ferrer, B-7100 Haine-St-Paul, Belgium
+32 (0)64 23 17 86 +32 (0)64 23 19 06
Abstract submission: Deadline for abstract submission: 15/11/2019
Specify if you prefer an oral or a poster presentation, and send your abstract to: abstract@bhpa2020.be