Institute Jules Bordet
Dear colleagues
We have the honor to present you an invitation to the Institut Jules Bordet on November 7th 2022 to an Unity MR-LINAC workshop to celebrate the 2022 International Day of Medical Physics.
As the number of participants are limited, this subscription is on a first come first served basis. We propose to have a maximum of 3 participants per institution, and putting other registration on the waiting list.
Registration can be done via this link:
Unity MR-Linac-workshop
To celebrate the International Day of Medical Physics the Medical Physics Department of Institut Jules Bordet has the pleasure to invite you to the Unity MR-Linac-workshop
14:30 –15:00 – Welcome coffee, registration
15:00 –15:45 – Presentation of Unity (30 min + 10 min questions)
16:00 –17:30 – Parallel sessions (each 30 min)
•Machine QA, MR compatible phantoms, + patient scan for Unity
•Planning for the MRLinac
•Patient treatment(E2E) demo
18:00 –19:30 – Walking dinner