Join us on the 22nd of February
The next important event for our society is the annual Spring meeting which will be held on the 22nd of February 2019 at the UCL campus in Woluwe-Saint-Lambert. As a tradition the Emmanuel van der Schueren lecture is on the programme. Prof. dr. H. Langendijk will be awarded with the EvdS medal. His lecture will focus on proton therapy.
Proton therapy being the main topic of this meeting, the Belgian proton therapy centers will give a presentation on their projects in development.
Since 2015 we implemented a session dedicated to the presentation of ongoing or upcoming research projects by doctoral students. It was very much appreciated by the audience and therefore we will continue this initiative during the following Spring meetings.
The Spring meeting will end with the annual General Assembly. During that part of the meeting, the elections for partial renewal of the board will be held.
We hope to see most of you during this major event for our community.
registration link: