
NCS working group: CT-simulator in the field of radiotherapy

Jan Vandecasteele

The NCS (Nederlandse Commissie voor Stralingsdosimetrie), an organisation with the aim of promoting the appropriate use of dosimetry of ionizing radiation both for scientific research and pratical applications creates working groups in order to draft reports with practical guidelines and recommendations in several domains, including Radiotherapy, radiology and nucleaire medicine. During the last board meeting a new working group was established focussing on the working of a CT-simulator in the field of radiotherapy. Included you will find the text submitted and approved by the NCS board. If you are interested please submit your candidacy to We expect a small text indicating your expertise and the equipment details used at your facility in order to select a well-balanced committee.

Deadline: please send your application before March 1st 2021

Geert Pittomvils

BHPA representative for NCS